Unternehmen Mitte is one of the unique places in Switzerland completely certified organic. The certification process is complex and is accompanied by many strict controls.
UM wanted to communicate this unique service to the Basel population and their own community.
Automatico Studio developed a campaign that solved two missions.
On the one hand, it informs about the new certification and, on the other hand, it helps increase the brand awareness of the house.
Automatico Studio developed a solution able to connect UM with a big audience thanks to simple aesthetics, but at the same time it also communicates to a visually educated audience celebrating the use of Swiss typography.
A little cherry on the cake, the letter “o” of “bio” portrays an organic texture that reminds of the flavor of a chemical free and natural fruit.
The poster series is declined with the brand colors, white, red and gray, and simply typeset in Univers Regular.
The Poster is part of the collection of Schule für Gestaltung Basel.
Copywriting by: © Rainer Brenner
Photos by: © Elias Kaiser